Flying Parrot: Macaw Escape 3D



Create challenging obstacle courses filled with natural hazards like trees, cliffs, waterfalls, and storms. Include dynamic obstacles that require quick reflexes and strategic manoeuvring to avoid. Explore the sky above the trees, meadows, and plains, avoid being a prey and survive at all costs! Beware the predators snakes and scorpions and don’t forget about other birds as your direct rivals! Find other macaw parrots to mate or join your flock! Introduce a progression system that allows players to level up their parrot and unlock new abilities, upgrades, and cosmetic items. Include skill trees or upgrade paths that cater to different play styles and strategies.
Develop a series of missions and challenges for players to complete, such as rescuing captured parrots, gathering food or resources, or navigating through dangerous territories immerse yourself in a visually stunning world teeming with life and color.